Friday, February 7, 2014


Today Tokyo is a mess. Just like every other city when it's snowing. Trains are delayed, half of them are cancelled. The metro stations are filled with people freezing their asses off. Including me. I was a fool too. I went outside to make some photos. For close to two hours. I almost cried, that's how happy I was to be back inside.

The weather in Japan has been behaving a lot like it does in Belgium. In January it was sunny and warm enough to go outside without gloves or a scarf. Some days the temperature rose to 12, 13 and even 14 degrees. Almost like spring had started. When it gets warm like that of course it starts raining. I call it the sarcastic Belgian weather, but apparently in Japan they have it too.So after cold and sunny, warm and rainy days, real winter began today. Snow, freezing cold and more snow. It started tonight and it's up to my ankles by now.

Just like everybody else I cancelled all my appointments and activities. My learning Japanese class, my teaching English class and my teaching French class. Everything postponed to whenever this snow storm will end.
There is nothing else I can do besides sitting inside and waiting until its over. Hence, the perfect time to catch up with my writing and my blog.

I love snow. I know it doesn't sound like that but I really do. It makes me all mellow inside. And I even get a bit romantic. All the men I dated in Tokyo are now in Hong Kong, Sydney or Singapore. Because those are the kind of men you tend to meet here. And everybody who still is here, is probably not willing to risk his life in Tokyo traffic today to go on a romantic dinner with me. Next week is Valentines day and I really want to have a Valentines dinner in Tokyo. Somewhere with a view on the Tokyo tower or on Mount Fuji. Ai, I'm day dreaming... I don't know how that'll work out, I will probably end up with my room mate, who's boyfriend currently works and lives in Singapore. We can dress up all kawaii (cute Japanese style), feed each other sushi and talk about how lonely life in Tokyo can be.

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